文章標題 : Re: 慢慢分享不藥而癒獲得平靜的方法文章發表於 : 2014-02-03 19:27 星期一
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版友patty在版上『 Re: 慢慢部落格分享 發表於 : 2011-07-19 0:53』中跟我分享關於遲發性異動症的資料:
「遲發性不自主運動 (Tardive Dyskinesia : TD)
她是因長期服用抗精神病藥物所引起長期或永久性異常的不自主運動」 ,
書名Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex
By Peter Roger Breggin
The previously cited research by Judd demonstrates how professionals utterly fail to see lithium-induced disabilities that are obvious to friends and detectable with psychological testing. Due to medication spellbinding, patients themselves have difficulty evaluating their mental status on lithium. Toxicity often creeps up slowly over many days or weeks so that their judgment is impaired in an almost imperceptibly gradual manner. In fact, patients cannot be relied on to notice when they are becoming severely toxic, even though the symptoms include marked gastrointestinal disturbances, tremor, and disturbed mental functions. Instead of relying on the perceptions of patients, blood levels must be carefully monitored and the patients carefully watched.
In keeping with this medication spellbinding effect, normal volunteers on small doses suffer impairments of their reflexes but do not realize or acknowledge the impairment ( Linnoila et al., 1974 ). Lithium patients who report no side effects often have grossly obvious tremors. The failure of patients on maintenance therapy to notice their own neurologic defects clearly demonstrates that lone-term treatment with lithium is medication spellbinding.
The Production of Cognitive Deficits
It is now generally accepted that lithium can impair intellectual function. For example, Shaw et al. ( 1978 ) found impairments of memory and hand motor speed on lithium. In Manic- Depressive Illness, a book written wholly from a biopsychiatric perspective, Frederick Goodwin and Kay Jamison ( 1990 ) nonetheless concluded that lithium does cause serious cognitive impairments. They summarized much of the literature up to that time and decalred,
Since the drug’s primary action is mediated through the central nervous system, it is not surprising that lithium can cause cognitive impairments of varying types and degrees of severity. Indeed, memory problems are among the side effects of lithium treatment that patients report most frequently. Although affective illness itself contributes both to cognitive deficits and complaints about such deficits, it is important to bear in mind that impairment of intellectual functioning caused by lithium is not uncommaon and, in many patients, leads to noncompliance. Creativity can also be affected. ( p.706 )
More recently, Stip et al. (2000) summarized the literature on lithium – induced memory problems: “ Several studies have shown cognitive impairment in short-term memory, long- term memory and psycho-motor speed in bipolar patients taking lithium.” Their study aimed at testing the effect of lithium in normal subjects in a double-blind, 3-week study. They found that lithium-treated volunteers had long-term memory deficits on recalling words compared to the placebo group.
Acute Organic Brain Syndromes
Considering how vigorously lithium is promoted as relatively free of overpowering mental effects, it is surprising how many cases of toxic delirium during routine lithium therapy were reported soon after the drug came into use ( Johnson te al., 1968; Mayfield te al., 1966; Prien et al.,1972; Shopsin et al.,1971; Strayhorn et al.,1977). Prien et al.(1972) found that almost one-third of the patients in their highly active category suffered “severe” reactions, including several with toxic confusion described as “ disorientation, confusion, lack of continuity of thought, and reduced comprehension.” Lithium is highly neurotoxic.
SILENT: Irreversible Lithium-Induced Neurotoxicity
In 1987, Adityanjee discussed so-called lithium poisoning and made an observation that remains true today: ” There is a general lack of awareness about irreversible and untreatable complications of lithium treatment despite evidence to the contrary.”
Originally, it was thought that, except in extreme cases, lithium-induced neurotoxicity was reversible. However, it eventually became apparent that many patients develop irreversible brain damage and dysfunction, often involving the cerebellum (Grignon et al., 1996). In the last two decades, researchers have defined a syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity (SILENT). Adityanjee et al.(2005) reviewed the literature from 1965 to 2004 for cases of lithium neurotoxicity with persistence of sequelae for at least 2 months after cessation of treatment. They found 90 cases of SILENT, with persistent cerebellar dysfunction as the most commonly reported persistent aftereffect. These chronically disabled patients may need “ physical rehabilitation for gait ataxia, speech training for dysarthria, and cognitive training for dementia and memory impairments” (p.47) The most cause, according to the authors, is “demyelination caused by lithium in multiple sites in the nervous system, including the cerebellum.” Not surprisingly, lithium toxicity can also cause chronic neuropsychological changes, including impaired memory, attention, executive control functions, and visuospatial deficits ( Brumm et al.,1998).
Irreversible neurotoxicity can occur at relatively low serum doses. Lang and Davis (2002) described “ the case of a 44 year old man who presented with a two-month history of dysarthria, ataxia and leg weakness whilst on maintenance lithium for bipolar disorder.” He had significant cerebellar and pyramidal dysfunction. His serum lithium was 1.5 mmol/L, a moderate elevation for this patient. His recovery was only partial, leaving him mainly with cerebellar ataxia. The authors warned about the insidious onset of persistent neurotoxicity during routine treatment.
Neurotoxic Effects in Low-Dosage Maintenance Therapy
Branchey et al,( 1976) published a follow-up of patients on long-term lithium maintenance (6 months to 7 years). Only 10 of 36 were “ free of neurologic symptoms,” even with the low maintenance doses employed. Four of 36 patients had parkinsonian symptoms at a “ low level of severity.”
The production of the myelin sheath is called myelination
這裡是一張神經髓鞘的說明圖 (我不知如何貼上)
Demyelination is the loss of the myelin sheath insulating the nerves. When myelin degrades, conduction of signals along the nerve can be impaired or lost and the nerve eventually withers. This results in diverse symptoms determined by the functions of the affected neurons. It disrupts signals between the brain and other parts of the body; symptoms differ from patient to patient.
Typical symptoms include:
• blurriness in the central visual field that affects only one eye, may be accompanied by pain upon eye movement
• double vision
• loss of vision/hearing
• odd sensation in legs, arms, chest, or face, such as tingling or numbness (neuropathy)
詳情可見部落格文章2012年病中書信 http://slowslow7.pixnet.net/blog/post/157813154)
• weakness of arms or legs(這症狀我有,全身無力,尤其是手腳力氣喪失)
• cognitive disruption, including speech impairment and memory loss
• heat sensitivity (symptoms worsen or reappear upon exposure to heat, such as a hot shower)
• loss of dexterity
• difficulty coordinating movement or balance disorder
( 這症狀我有;我動作不協調 、走路搖搖晃晃是常態)
• difficulty controlling bowel movements or urination
• fatigue(這症狀我有;疲勞幾乎如影隨形,沒做什麼就累了)
gait ataxia: (這症狀我有;曾有行走困難,到現在只是步行失調,走路走不快,搖搖晃晃,想走快點動作會變很怪異。)
People with cerebellar ataxia may initially present with poor balance, which could be demonstrated as an inability to stand on one leg or perform tandem gait. As the condition progresses, walking is characterized by a widened base and high stepping, as well as staggering and lurching from side to side.[1]Turning is also problematic and could result in falls.
a condition in which problems occur with the muscles that help one talk; this makes it very difficult to pronounce words. It is unrelated to any problem with understanding cognitive language.[3] Any of the speech subsystems (respiration, phonation, resonance, prosody, and articulation) can be affected, leading to impairments in intelligibility, audibility, naturalness, and efficiency of vocal communication.
Individuals with dysarthria may experience challenges in the following:
• Timing
• Vocal quality
• Pitch
• Volume
• Breath control
• Speed
• Strength
• Steadiness
• Range
• Tone[1][4]
Examples of specific observations include a continuous breathy voice, irregular breakdown of articulation, monopitch, distorted vowels, word flow without pauses, and hypernasality.[4]